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Pure Over Llc

Pure Over Coffee Dripper




Style : PO-DS-B

Pure glass. Pour-over coffee. That's what Portland's Pure Over is all about. Beautifully designed and made, pure borosilicate glass fashioned into equipment for making pour-over coffee. The Pure Over dripper fits atop a mug or the Pure Over coffee carafe to deliver the finest coffee that touches nothing but glass. No residual flavors, not even from a paper filter, as the Pure Over dripper employs cake filtration to use the grounds themselves as a filter. It's the purest approach to brewing coffee there is. There's not even any paper waste. The Pure Over dripper consists of the dripper body, the glass water diffuser that goes on top, a stir stick, and a ceramic base to hold the dripper and protect your counter surface. The glass is 3mm scientific-grade borosilicate glass that is dishwasher safe.